I do not know how i should word this. Many thoughts went through my head just now while walking back. It's getting late and I'm feeling tired. Hence not going to organise my thoughts. Am just going to rant on and write off what's on my mind.
Saddened by the things i see. Disappointed at the way things are been handled. How many times have we put ourselves into the shoes of those who are going through the experience? If I am the one wearing that pair of shoes, I definitely detest this experience. I do not believe yelling and shouting can solve issues. I relate yelling and screaming to regimentation. And regimentation is iconic of the military whereby absolute obedience is expected from everyone. Failure to do so may result in a catastrophe of massive casualties in event of operations. Maybe this statement does not hold any truth anymore. Even SAF is embracing the concept of gathering feedback from the grassroots and encouraging more soldiers to speak up( thinking soldiers huh.) Digressing. Back to the point. However, this movement is different from the rest as it believe in using the outdoors and the element of fun to groom young boys into fine men of tomorrow so that they can contribute constructively to the society and ultimately, to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Regimentation is not part of the agenda. Discipline is. And the problem is, many think that these two are synonymous. What is the best way to instill discipline then? To be frank, I don't know the formula. All i know is that there are many plenty of other ways lest regimentation. How many times have we closed the loop after dishing out consequences to the growing boy. What learning value will he take away after that session. Perhaps nothing unless someone rationalise ( closing the loop) it to him as to why he deserve that sort of consequence. Only then will he walk away learning something and convinced that perhaps he have done something wrong. It is the direct breach of the law of buy-in (by John Maxwell).
I aint perfect and I wish not to point fingers at anyone. Just sad at how things have turned out. It does not look fun to me anymore. And, the statement -> because my seniors did this to me that's why I am just carrying on the tradition, is one a follower will make. Start to think like a leader. Question every action you take. Yes, it is tiring, but at least that makes you think and rationalise. Don't take things as they are and accept them just because it is tradition. ( Dont be mistaken, I advocates the importance of traditions. It is only when the traditions begin to lose its significance and rationale then we have to review them.)
Treat everyone with respect. And it will reciprocate. To me, shouting and yelling is not a way to gain respect. Respecting others is. I've learnt it the hard way and I am still learning.
Saddened by the things i see. Disappointed at the way things are been handled. How many times have we put ourselves into the shoes of those who are going through the experience? If I am the one wearing that pair of shoes, I definitely detest this experience. I do not believe yelling and shouting can solve issues. I relate yelling and screaming to regimentation. And regimentation is iconic of the military whereby absolute obedience is expected from everyone. Failure to do so may result in a catastrophe of massive casualties in event of operations. Maybe this statement does not hold any truth anymore. Even SAF is embracing the concept of gathering feedback from the grassroots and encouraging more soldiers to speak up( thinking soldiers huh.) Digressing. Back to the point. However, this movement is different from the rest as it believe in using the outdoors and the element of fun to groom young boys into fine men of tomorrow so that they can contribute constructively to the society and ultimately, to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Regimentation is not part of the agenda. Discipline is. And the problem is, many think that these two are synonymous. What is the best way to instill discipline then? To be frank, I don't know the formula. All i know is that there are many plenty of other ways lest regimentation. How many times have we closed the loop after dishing out consequences to the growing boy. What learning value will he take away after that session. Perhaps nothing unless someone rationalise ( closing the loop) it to him as to why he deserve that sort of consequence. Only then will he walk away learning something and convinced that perhaps he have done something wrong. It is the direct breach of the law of buy-in (by John Maxwell).
I aint perfect and I wish not to point fingers at anyone. Just sad at how things have turned out. It does not look fun to me anymore. And, the statement -> because my seniors did this to me that's why I am just carrying on the tradition, is one a follower will make. Start to think like a leader. Question every action you take. Yes, it is tiring, but at least that makes you think and rationalise. Don't take things as they are and accept them just because it is tradition. ( Dont be mistaken, I advocates the importance of traditions. It is only when the traditions begin to lose its significance and rationale then we have to review them.)
Treat everyone with respect. And it will reciprocate. To me, shouting and yelling is not a way to gain respect. Respecting others is. I've learnt it the hard way and I am still learning.
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